Podcaster and movie director, Kevin Smith, has been fighting immensely with weight issues for several years and has finally decided to take action. He began his weight loss journey when he discovered he could no longer fit in an airplane seat. Like making the right money management plans to salvage a business, Ethan started his weight loss journey by excluding sugary substances from his diet. He succeeded in shedding 70lbs and is determined to go further by securing a gym membership.

He also joined the Weight Watchers program and thanked the comedian Penn Jillette and his book, Presto, and the NASA scientist, who turned into nutrition and weight loss specialist. Ray Cronise also motivated him to follow a plant and potato-based diet plan. Kevin also revealed his daughter introduced him to a vegan lifestyle that helped him be healthier and leaner. Today, Kevin is busy maintaining his career and well-being, and we couldn’t be happier for him.
