Kathleen Turner experienced remarkable weight gain 30 years into her career as an actress. It happened so suddenly that it was like an interest in cash loans. However, Kathleen remained nonchalant about her weight gain until she was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, a sad one for an individual whose career was as smooth as perfect flooring. After her diagnosis, she began adopting a more organic and healthy lifestyle to lose all the extra weight on her body.

Kathleen also had to cut back on all her liquor consumption to maximize her new fitness regimen. She surely did gain back her self esteem following her weight loss as she stated that she would like to experience falling in love. It is good that Kathleen realized that gaining so much weight can cause all types of possible diseases. Otherwise, she would have suffered from more severe health consequences. If you’re planning to follow Kathleen’s diet plan, it is better to stay away from anything that has too much sugar and too much fat.
